Click on the links below to learn more about what we care about. We ask that you consider making a donation to any of these organizations in lieu of a gift for our B'nai Mitzvah. Thank you.


Becoming B'nei Mitzvah

On September 17th, 2016, we will become B'nei Mitzvah. We have created this website where you can learn about the causes we have become passionate about over the years. We hope that you will take some time to read about these worthy organizations and in lieu of gifts, you consider making a donation. If each one of us does our part, the world will be a better place.

About Tikkun Olam

In the Jewish tradition Tikkun Olam is a concept defined by acts of kindness performed to repair the world. At a very young age we learned about the unfair struggles that others could be going through and began to understand how the giving of ourselves could help to change lives for the better. As we become a B’nei Mitzvah we are focusing on causes that have become meaningful to us. Giving of ourselves is something that has been central to our family growing up and continues to be an important part of who we are.  


Tikkun Olam

What we're passionate about!



Acts of Kindness...

Kliptown Youth Program...

Lean more about our passions

Emily & Jared

EJ2 The Power OF TWO 


is more important

than tikkun
